Thursday, October 20, 2005

Breadth-first directory traversal without recursion

Update 2011-05-01: This should probably be rewritten to use the new IEnumerable-returning directory listing method.

public const uint DefaultMaxDirectoryDepth = 32;

public delegate void DirectoryVisitedDelegate(string path, IFileSystem fileSystem);

public static void Traverse
    string rootPath,
    DirectoryVisitedDelegate visitedDelegate,
    IFileSystem fileSystem
    Traverse(rootPath, visitedDelegate, fileSystem, DefaultMaxDirectoryDepth);

public static void Traverse
    string rootPath,
    DirectoryVisitedDelegate visitedDelegate,
    IFileSystem fileSystem,
    uint maxDepth
    char[] directorySplitChars = new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar };
    Queue<string> directoryQueue = new Queue<string>();


    while (directoryQueue.Count > 0)
        string path = directoryQueue.Dequeue();

            foreach (string subDirectoryPath in fileSystem.GetDirectories(path))
                if (subDirectoryPath.Split(directorySplitChars).Length < maxDepth)
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            // We can't look in that directory. Never mind.
        catch (FileNotFoundException)
            // The directory has gone away. Never mind.

        visitedDelegate.Invoke(path, fileSystem);